Liuna Ici Collective Agreement

The LiUNA ICI Collective Agreement: What You Need to Know

If you`re working in the construction industry, you`ve likely heard of the LiUNA ICI collective agreement. But what exactly is it, and how does it impact workers in the field?

First, let`s define some terms. LiUNA stands for “Labourers` International Union of North America,” a union that represents over 130,000 construction workers across Canada and the United States. “ICI” stands for “industrial, commercial, and institutional,” which are the types of construction projects that LiUNA members typically work on.

So, the LiUNA ICI collective agreement is an agreement between LiUNA and employers in the ICI sector. It sets out the terms and conditions of employment for LiUNA members working on those types of projects.

Some of the key provisions of the LiUNA ICI collective agreement include:

– Wages and benefits: The agreement sets out minimum hourly wages and benefits for LiUNA members, which vary depending on the type of work and the region of the country where the project is located.

– Working conditions: The agreement includes provisions for work hours, overtime pay, and health and safety on the job site.

– Union representation: The agreement outlines the rights and responsibilities of LiUNA representatives on the job site, including their role in resolving disputes between workers and management.

– Training and apprenticeships: The agreement includes provisions for training and apprenticeship programs, which help to ensure that LiUNA members have the skills and qualifications they need to succeed in the industry.

Overall, the LiUNA ICI collective agreement is an important tool for protecting the rights and interests of construction workers. By setting out clear standards for wages, benefits, and working conditions, it helps to ensure that workers are treated fairly and that their rights are respected on the job site.

Of course, like any collective agreement, the LiUNA ICI agreement is subject to negotiation and revision over time. That`s why it`s important for workers to stay informed about the latest developments in the industry, and to be ready to advocate for their rights and interests through collective action.

If you`re a LiUNA member working in the ICI sector, it`s important to familiarize yourself with the terms of the collective agreement and to stay in touch with your local union representatives. By working together, you can help to ensure that the industry remains a stable and fair place for all workers.